Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank You.

Someone recently told me...

"You're amazing...don't think for a second you are single because of something in you."

I needed to hear it.

Ya Baha! Thank the Lord for loving friends to put me in check and provide perspective. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Time flies by
Who would have known
Wink of mine eye
Flowers grew, seeds sewn

Grandmother just turned 70
Daughter about to be 3
Mother doesn't look a day over 40
Me, I'm comfortably 23

Take care, stay strong
Dream big, think long
Into the future, you may or may not see
It is quite simply, one big mystery.

Together We Walk

Our souls, wedded to Joy
Our minds, united in one common Ploy
Our hearts, bound to Thy Cause
Walking with Haste, No time to Pause.

Standing tall, Facing forward,
With confidence, Marching onward
With each stride, We go strong
With each mile, We go long.

By day, we walk our separate ways
By night, the separation becomes a haze
To be near would be far too easy
Distance, a welcome challenge, believe me.

Adventure, to say the least
Assured, we will conquer our every feat
As we climb, we carry with us mounting hope
Will we stop? Even for a moment? Nope!